Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Merry Christmas!
It has been crazy around here. My oldest child was hired on at the hospital in town. Third shift, so I watch babies all night and then all the next day. Whew! I was so much better at this when I was younger! I have managed to get a bit of sewing done, just a bit. Have made my favorite cookies, Thumbprint and Sunny Cocoa Drop, but the Christmas Spirit eludes me. Ah, well, maybe I am just trying too hard...I did finish the girls Christmas quilts, my first, second, and third. Quilt purists may point out all my mistakes, and there are many. They needn't, I see each and every one. But while we perfectionists mull over mistakes, three girls are snuggly warm! And that's all that really matters anyway.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
More Craft Making
I have so many projects going at once! I usually have a couple going so I don't get bored, but this is just crazy! This one is a tree skirt for our main tree.
The top and the back are cut out and sewn. I just need to cut out the fleece and find some sort of fringe.
Then I need to finish quilting Christmas quilts for all the grandbabies, make a couple more bags to give away at our church's Christmas celebration, and aprons, robes, bags, too much left to do!
The top and the back are cut out and sewn. I just need to cut out the fleece and find some sort of fringe.
Then I need to finish quilting Christmas quilts for all the grandbabies, make a couple more bags to give away at our church's Christmas celebration, and aprons, robes, bags, too much left to do!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Craft of the day
I wanted to make something with Bug. I got out our book See and Sew. She chose the baby bib.
After reading the directions I decided this was a bit much for her. Hand sewing quarter inch binding takes a great deal more patience than either she or I have. So with her choice of fabric, I made it for her.
I didn't think it would fit Bug's little sister, newly nicknamed Spider Monkey (just started walking AND climbing!), but it does!
After reading the directions I decided this was a bit much for her. Hand sewing quarter inch binding takes a great deal more patience than either she or I have. So with her choice of fabric, I made it for her.
I didn't think it would fit Bug's little sister, newly nicknamed Spider Monkey (just started walking AND climbing!), but it does!
Friday, October 22, 2010
October in the Smokies
I love the Smokies. I didn't think I would, but I do. My Wubby and I go every fall, need to go more often! Those mountains recharge my batteries, bring peace into my crazy life, and give me oodles to photograph.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Random Dozen
1. Do you prefer to read the book or see the movie? Most of the time books over movies.
2. What is your favorite holiday and why? Halloween. It starts the holiday season with style and fun!
3. Which do you like better - the mountains or the beach? The mountains. I went to the beach last fall after several years avoidance, I like the beach, but mountains sing to my soul.
4. If money were no consideration, what vehicle would you drive? I would still drive a jeep. Maybe a muscle car....maybe
5. What is your favorite cold-weather beverage? COFFEE....cold weather, hot weather, stormy, windy, clear, snowy, humid.....coffee meets my needs!
6. How do you communicate most often with your friends: phone, email, text, face-to-face, or Facebook? Those in town, face to face...far away friends, facebook.
7. How do you receive your mail? Mailbox on the porch, at the end of the driveway, down the street, or post office box? end of drive, it's a really nice walk.
8. Of the four basic personality types - sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, and choleric - which is your strongest? Which is your least evident? (See definitions below.) Strongest, probably choleric....least evident, phlegmatic.
9. What do you miss the most about being 20? At 20 I had one daughter, she had yet to go through cancer, get taken advantage of by a young man, have a baby out of wedlock, be lied about to a judge and lose primary custody of her daughter....I miss 20! I miss the promise of a future, never perfect, but maybe something better.
10. How long from the time you get up, does it take you to get ready to walk out the door in the morning? I can be out the door in an hour.
11. Who handles the car maintenance and pays the bills in your family? Car maintenance is hubby's job, he pays some bills, I pay others.
12. For those in the US, how many states have you visited? For those outside the US, how many provinces/other countries have you visited? We as a family have been to 44 states, yet to see....MN, WI, ND, MI, AK, and HI. I used homeschooling as a perfect excuse to visit most of those states.
2. What is your favorite holiday and why? Halloween. It starts the holiday season with style and fun!
3. Which do you like better - the mountains or the beach? The mountains. I went to the beach last fall after several years avoidance, I like the beach, but mountains sing to my soul.
4. If money were no consideration, what vehicle would you drive? I would still drive a jeep. Maybe a muscle car....maybe
5. What is your favorite cold-weather beverage? COFFEE....cold weather, hot weather, stormy, windy, clear, snowy, humid.....coffee meets my needs!
6. How do you communicate most often with your friends: phone, email, text, face-to-face, or Facebook? Those in town, face to face...far away friends, facebook.
7. How do you receive your mail? Mailbox on the porch, at the end of the driveway, down the street, or post office box? end of drive, it's a really nice walk.
8. Of the four basic personality types - sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, and choleric - which is your strongest? Which is your least evident? (See definitions below.) Strongest, probably choleric....least evident, phlegmatic.
9. What do you miss the most about being 20? At 20 I had one daughter, she had yet to go through cancer, get taken advantage of by a young man, have a baby out of wedlock, be lied about to a judge and lose primary custody of her daughter....I miss 20! I miss the promise of a future, never perfect, but maybe something better.
10. How long from the time you get up, does it take you to get ready to walk out the door in the morning? I can be out the door in an hour.
11. Who handles the car maintenance and pays the bills in your family? Car maintenance is hubby's job, he pays some bills, I pay others.
12. For those in the US, how many states have you visited? For those outside the US, how many provinces/other countries have you visited? We as a family have been to 44 states, yet to see....MN, WI, ND, MI, AK, and HI. I used homeschooling as a perfect excuse to visit most of those states.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Fall Again
I love fall! I love the way it feels, the was it smells, the clear blue skies, the crisp air...absolutely everything! In just 6 days my wubby and I will make our annual trip to the Smokies to enjoy the On-Cosby festival. I love small towns, and Cosby is my favorite southern small town. A couple of years ago, a booth had the absolute best fried apple pies I have ever eaten. They were like apple filled doughnuts....YUM! I hope they are back again this year. I hope this beauty is there again as well. The old restored cars and trucks are AMAZING! It was so cold and wet last year, we didn't stick around long.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Random Dozen
1. From "Men Are Dumb ....": If you had a theme song that played whenever you walked into a room full of people, what would it be? "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves. Great song, awsome shoes!
2. From Pam of "Alert And Oriented x 4": Which of your shoes are your absolute favorite, and which are of the object of your most painful shoe-buyer's remorse? Absolute favorite - pink converse, they make me feel young and they are my favorite color. Buyers remorse shoes - black heels, thought they were so "sexy" when I got them, killed my feet. Not the shoes to walk down Beale Street in Memphis...lol
3. From Susanne of "Living to Tell the Story": Tell about your favorite birthday celebration that you've personally experienced. When my oldest daughter turned 7 we had a "New Kids on the Block" party, skating at the local rink. Later we surprized her by seeing them in concert.
4. From Lori of "Just me and My Life": If you were a flavor of ice cream, which would you be? Cherry vanilla, classic with a twist.
5. Cindy Swanson of "Notes in the Key of Life" asks: Have you ever had a crush on a movie star? Who was it, and are you still crushing? Oodles of crushes over the years! Loved Leif Garret, still think he is beautiful. Don't have crushes any more, I appreciate the beauty of people these days.
6. Jill from "Jill Boyd's Place" inquires: Glasses or braces--if you had to wear one, which would it be? I have worn glasses since the 2nd grade. I always wanted braces, ala Laura Ingalls. Never really needed them.
7. Nel from "Fasteneau Facts" asks: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Easy quick answer...my grandmother's house in Nevada. My favorite place in the world. Other than that, it would be somewhere in Europe, probably Germany...the best food in the world!
8. Thena from "Patiently Waiting" wants to know: If money were no obstacle, what would be the perfect birthday gift to receive? Couple of horses! (leftover childhood dream)
9. From "Life Through Bifocals," LynnMarie asks: What is your favorite birthday meal? I like to try new things, so nothing specific. However, if my hubby wanted to take me out, then on to Calhoun's in Gatlinburg! YUM!
10. Debby at "Just Breathe" checks in with: Do you still send hand-written thank you notes? Not always, this is a habit I MUST get back into!
11. Linda from "Mocha with Linda" poses this question: What is something you've done that you never thought you'd do? I cannot think of anything. I have a pretty active and vivid imagination, so I pretty much have considered everything at one time or another.
12. Jewel, my homegirl from Indiana who writes at "Musings from the World of Jewel," is very insistent that we answer this: Mount Rushmore honors four US Presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. If you could add any person to Mount Rushmore, who would you add and why? My first thought is Jesus, can you imagine the reaction?!?! Second choice would be Einstein, his hair would just make things so much fun!
2. From Pam of "Alert And Oriented x 4": Which of your shoes are your absolute favorite, and which are of the object of your most painful shoe-buyer's remorse? Absolute favorite - pink converse, they make me feel young and they are my favorite color. Buyers remorse shoes - black heels, thought they were so "sexy" when I got them, killed my feet. Not the shoes to walk down Beale Street in Memphis...lol
3. From Susanne of "Living to Tell the Story": Tell about your favorite birthday celebration that you've personally experienced. When my oldest daughter turned 7 we had a "New Kids on the Block" party, skating at the local rink. Later we surprized her by seeing them in concert.
4. From Lori of "Just me and My Life": If you were a flavor of ice cream, which would you be? Cherry vanilla, classic with a twist.
5. Cindy Swanson of "Notes in the Key of Life" asks: Have you ever had a crush on a movie star? Who was it, and are you still crushing? Oodles of crushes over the years! Loved Leif Garret, still think he is beautiful. Don't have crushes any more, I appreciate the beauty of people these days.
6. Jill from "Jill Boyd's Place" inquires: Glasses or braces--if you had to wear one, which would it be? I have worn glasses since the 2nd grade. I always wanted braces, ala Laura Ingalls. Never really needed them.
7. Nel from "Fasteneau Facts" asks: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Easy quick answer...my grandmother's house in Nevada. My favorite place in the world. Other than that, it would be somewhere in Europe, probably Germany...the best food in the world!
8. Thena from "Patiently Waiting" wants to know: If money were no obstacle, what would be the perfect birthday gift to receive? Couple of horses! (leftover childhood dream)
9. From "Life Through Bifocals," LynnMarie asks: What is your favorite birthday meal? I like to try new things, so nothing specific. However, if my hubby wanted to take me out, then on to Calhoun's in Gatlinburg! YUM!
10. Debby at "Just Breathe" checks in with: Do you still send hand-written thank you notes? Not always, this is a habit I MUST get back into!
11. Linda from "Mocha with Linda" poses this question: What is something you've done that you never thought you'd do? I cannot think of anything. I have a pretty active and vivid imagination, so I pretty much have considered everything at one time or another.
12. Jewel, my homegirl from Indiana who writes at "Musings from the World of Jewel," is very insistent that we answer this: Mount Rushmore honors four US Presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. If you could add any person to Mount Rushmore, who would you add and why? My first thought is Jesus, can you imagine the reaction?!?! Second choice would be Einstein, his hair would just make things so much fun!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Random Dozen from 2nd Cup of Coffee
1. Have you, or has someone close to you, ever won an award for anything? (I just came from my dad's ceremony wherein he was given a medal of honor by the French government for service in France in WWII. Pictures to follow.) Mom won an award for picture taken during a flood.
2. Who is the nearest relative to you who has served in the US Military? Dad, brothers, step-brothers, uncles on dad's side, cousin and her husband on mom's side, both grandfathers. My family has been represented in every conflict America has been in involved with.
3. Share something that stirs the patriotic spirit in you. Watching our flag wave in the breeze.
4. Where are you in the birth order in your family? Do you think your "placement" made a difference in your personality? First born. I am not sure if I can blame personality flaws on birth order.
5. Name one trait you hope you carry that was evidenced in your parents or grandparents. Toughness
6. If female, do you prefer wearing a skirt or pants? If male, shirt and tie or polo? I prefer jeans and a tee most days, skirts if I am feeling girly.
7. Approximately how many times do you wake during the night? What do you do to go back to sleep? I wake several times, try to bore my self back to sleep.
8. Share a favorite movie quote. "Don't be so stupid, of course we intend to resist!" Oliver Platt in Three Muskateers
9. What is your favorite Fall candle scent? For September (and most of the year), apple; October and November, pumpkin.
10. What is one Fall activity you're looking forward to? Cosby, Tn, "On Cosby Fest" camping, crafts, old time cars...perfection
11. Tell us about a pleasant surprise that happened to you recently. My secret sister at church surprised me with a very nice and meaningful card.
12. What was it like when you first met your in-laws-to-be? Met my mother-in-law after attending a wedding with my husband. I liked her immediately! Our wedding was 8 months later.
2nd Cup of Coffee
2. Who is the nearest relative to you who has served in the US Military? Dad, brothers, step-brothers, uncles on dad's side, cousin and her husband on mom's side, both grandfathers. My family has been represented in every conflict America has been in involved with.
3. Share something that stirs the patriotic spirit in you. Watching our flag wave in the breeze.
4. Where are you in the birth order in your family? Do you think your "placement" made a difference in your personality? First born. I am not sure if I can blame personality flaws on birth order.
5. Name one trait you hope you carry that was evidenced in your parents or grandparents. Toughness
6. If female, do you prefer wearing a skirt or pants? If male, shirt and tie or polo? I prefer jeans and a tee most days, skirts if I am feeling girly.
7. Approximately how many times do you wake during the night? What do you do to go back to sleep? I wake several times, try to bore my self back to sleep.
8. Share a favorite movie quote. "Don't be so stupid, of course we intend to resist!" Oliver Platt in Three Muskateers
9. What is your favorite Fall candle scent? For September (and most of the year), apple; October and November, pumpkin.
10. What is one Fall activity you're looking forward to? Cosby, Tn, "On Cosby Fest" camping, crafts, old time cars...perfection
11. Tell us about a pleasant surprise that happened to you recently. My secret sister at church surprised me with a very nice and meaningful card.
12. What was it like when you first met your in-laws-to-be? Met my mother-in-law after attending a wedding with my husband. I liked her immediately! Our wedding was 8 months later.
2nd Cup of Coffee
Friday, August 6, 2010
Flash Back Friday
The question from 2nd cup of coffee is "What did you want to be when you grew up?" All I ever wanted to be was a mom, then gramma. I have accomplished both of these goals/dreams. On to becoming a great-gramma in 20 some odd years! I have been most happy with my choice to be a stay at home mom and homeschool mom. It has been hard sometimes, but those days became field trip days. My husband never knew where we'd be if I needed a day off. A 80 mile one way trip to a river picnic area was a favorite....gas was alot cheaper back then. We found where Merriweather Lewis was killed/buried(?) in TN. The Amish community in TN was also fun! I have been so blessed to have a husband who has a job that allowed such freedom. The kids were reluctant most of the time starting out, I never knew why, but they always had a great time where ever we ended up! Now that they are done with high school, one in college, the others working, two married with children, I realize it's been a great life! I am now working in a fabric store, heaven for me. Looking forward, I hope to enjoy being GaGa, traveling with my Wubby, and creating all sorts of crafty things for my family.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
It's summer....it's hot! I am trying to enjoy each day and not spend so much time looking forward to fall. I have searched for things to do during the summer. I have been to concerts in the park...very nice. Hubby and I drove to Chattanooga for their outdoor market, and more importantly to walk down the "waterfall" stairs near the aquarium. :) Fun. I am making a summery dress to wear to afore mentioned concerts in park. I think today I will make the watermelon lemonade recipe in "Summer in the Country" from Gooseberry Patch with Bug. Watermelon and lemonade just scream "summer!" I have not been to the pool or lake yet...maybe this week? I do still yearn for the cool winds of fall, when I can open windows and doors all day....ah, well, until then....sunscreen here I come!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Another Friday at home
It's Friday I have learned alot in the last two weeks. One, I love my husband and am extremely glad I married him! Every husband should be like him! Two, I do NOT like working more than 20 hours outside the house...housework does not get done...imagine that. Three, I am not a fan of summers in the south...okay this one isn't a new lesson learned, just worth repeating. It's hot, and steamy here in Alabama! Not a good thing...looking forward to major thunderstorms bringing the cold Canadian winds of fall and winter. Lastly, humanity isn't really interested in maturity, selfless-ness, or common kindness. I know I am cynical, just saying. I do have hope though. I am trying to teach by example, my kids for the most part are learning. There are those who are trying to do good, I do see them.
Monday, June 21, 2010
I haven't fallen off the earth, but then I haven't posted anything lately either. I have gotten a job at a fabric store, which for me is like getting paid to play. Funness! Vacation Bible School is also coming up in a few weeks. That of course means I am neck deep in plans, decorating projects, and fielding workers questions and requests. More funness! I am making the workers can covers out of bandanas....vbs theme is western/ranch. They fit nicely around water bottles as well. Bug, Fairy, and parents have moved in with us for a while...funness?!? Well, it's crowded, but I love having my babies close.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial Day

Today I will remember our veterans, the men and women who have bravely served this country I love. Thank you to all of you. Every branch of the military has been represented in my family, except for the coast guard. One uncle was in Vietnam, one brother in Somalia, and Iraq. I am thankful they are both home and safe!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Growing Herbs
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Random Dozen from 2nd Cup of Coffee
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
It's the Great Link-Up You've Been Waiting For
Actually, it's the same as every week, but YOU try naming your meme posts something clever every week. Sheesh!
1. Ever had any run-ins with the "library police?" All the time, I renew online, it doesn't go through, I forget about books. I used to keep detailed lists, but that's just too much work.
2. Do you have a special organizational plan and place for wrapping paper, gift bags, etc., or do you just purchase whatever you need as you give gifts? I try to follow the Rudoph Day gift plan guide. I like to make fabric bags to be more "green".
3. Have you ever been in (first-hand witness) a natural disaster? The 1989 tornado that hit Huntsville, AL. Guy I was dating at the time was at ground zero. Looked like guns had gone off in business!
4. What's your favorite Barry Manilow song? hmmm....I have his greatest hits, love him!....maybe "Looks like we made it"...
5. What's the best costume you've ever worn? I don't do costumes...make them though...3rd daughter was a very cool pirate, and 1st granddaughter was a beautiful spanish dancer...may have been the same year
6. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? dictionary...more specifically, dictionary.com
7. What's your favorite breakfast food? Just one?!?!?! ummm, then, BACON!
8. Have you ever purchased anything from an infomercial? nope, but bought a few things I saw on tv....water globes for my plants work very well!
9. Have you ever crawled through a window? yep
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? not really, you can certainly be attracted at first sight, but love requires knowledge and commitment to that knowledge.
11. How man pairs of jeans do you own? 7, love my Levis!
12. If someone were going to bake a cake to honor/represent you, what would it be? (Think creatively, like Duff and Crew on "Ace of Cakes.") I recently saw a sewing machine cake...that would be awesome, or Duff and his crew could make me a cake inspired by the "Secret Garden", my favorite book.
It's the Great Link-Up You've Been Waiting For
Actually, it's the same as every week, but YOU try naming your meme posts something clever every week. Sheesh!
1. Ever had any run-ins with the "library police?" All the time, I renew online, it doesn't go through, I forget about books. I used to keep detailed lists, but that's just too much work.
2. Do you have a special organizational plan and place for wrapping paper, gift bags, etc., or do you just purchase whatever you need as you give gifts? I try to follow the Rudoph Day gift plan guide. I like to make fabric bags to be more "green".
3. Have you ever been in (first-hand witness) a natural disaster? The 1989 tornado that hit Huntsville, AL. Guy I was dating at the time was at ground zero. Looked like guns had gone off in business!
4. What's your favorite Barry Manilow song? hmmm....I have his greatest hits, love him!....maybe "Looks like we made it"...
5. What's the best costume you've ever worn? I don't do costumes...make them though...3rd daughter was a very cool pirate, and 1st granddaughter was a beautiful spanish dancer...may have been the same year
6. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? dictionary...more specifically, dictionary.com
7. What's your favorite breakfast food? Just one?!?!?! ummm, then, BACON!
8. Have you ever purchased anything from an infomercial? nope, but bought a few things I saw on tv....water globes for my plants work very well!
9. Have you ever crawled through a window? yep
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? not really, you can certainly be attracted at first sight, but love requires knowledge and commitment to that knowledge.
11. How man pairs of jeans do you own? 7, love my Levis!
12. If someone were going to bake a cake to honor/represent you, what would it be? (Think creatively, like Duff and Crew on "Ace of Cakes.") I recently saw a sewing machine cake...that would be awesome, or Duff and his crew could make me a cake inspired by the "Secret Garden", my favorite book.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Yesterday I bought herb plants for my barrel. I am planting dill, oregano, thyme, tarragon, basil, chives, and marjoram. I wouldn't have thought about the tarragon, but I sent the Wubby to the store to get some and they didn't have any. So I will try the Tarragon Chicken recipe, with tarragon this time, at a later date. I also put my brand new composting bin in place, so exciting to have a dedicated spot for all my scraps! We battled the poison ivy, and seem to have won...for the moment. Wubby moved one of our bushes and will be moving another later today. The landscaping, if you can call it that, leaves MUCH to be desired. Everything around our beautiful front porch is green, majorly boring! We are putting the japenese boxwood in a row along our eastern property line. There are 7 to move. The one moved looks so nice already! I had a long talk with her, trying to convince her that this move was in her best interest...more space to move and breathe. Well, now, must move on to working on the menu plan...it is menu plan Monday.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Spring 2010
Spring is finally here! Of course, this also means pollen, and this week the pollen count was off the scale! I spent Tuesday afternoon at the local botanical gardens, big mistake. Yes, it was beautiful, warm, peaceful, but I haven't had a voice since Wednesday. All's good, though. I am so glad it's warm and sunny again!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The theme is Spring . . . and any other random questions that crept in.
1. What is your favorite sign of Spring? Buttercups blooming
2. Did you remember to spring forward on March 14? If not, how did it impact your day? I did remember, didn't affect us
3. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what vegetable would you plant in a garden this year? Tomatoes and peppers
4. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what fruit would you plant? Strawberries
5. What is your least favorite insect? Mosquito
6. March 22 was World Water Day. To celebrate, here are some water questions. Do you drink bottled water? If so, what brand? Sam's Choice from walmart
7. Have you ever been somewhere that it was not safe to drink the local water? If so, how did you handle that? Don't think so
8. How many glasses of water do you drink per day? 4 or 5...sometimes more
9. March 24 is the birthday of Harry Houdini. Have you ever watched a professional magic show? Share. Nope
10. Have you ever been a participant in a professional magic show (up on stage!)? Nope
11. March 24 is also the birthday of Steve McQueen and Clyde Barrow. Do you like Westerns or gangster movies? If so, what is your favorite? Both are fun to watch
12. (Really random) What U.S. state that you've never visited would you like to visit someday? Alaska
1. What is your favorite sign of Spring? Buttercups blooming
2. Did you remember to spring forward on March 14? If not, how did it impact your day? I did remember, didn't affect us
3. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what vegetable would you plant in a garden this year? Tomatoes and peppers
4. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what fruit would you plant? Strawberries
5. What is your least favorite insect? Mosquito
6. March 22 was World Water Day. To celebrate, here are some water questions. Do you drink bottled water? If so, what brand? Sam's Choice from walmart
7. Have you ever been somewhere that it was not safe to drink the local water? If so, how did you handle that? Don't think so
8. How many glasses of water do you drink per day? 4 or 5...sometimes more
9. March 24 is the birthday of Harry Houdini. Have you ever watched a professional magic show? Share. Nope
10. Have you ever been a participant in a professional magic show (up on stage!)? Nope
11. March 24 is also the birthday of Steve McQueen and Clyde Barrow. Do you like Westerns or gangster movies? If so, what is your favorite? Both are fun to watch
12. (Really random) What U.S. state that you've never visited would you like to visit someday? Alaska
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
March has been a busy month! Gearing up for Vacation Bible School, great theme from Lifeway this year! Last night at the director's shindig we were served a meal in a jar...very creative. Jar was layered with beans, slaw, bbq, and a pickle. Sorry I didn't get a pic, it was very cool. Today I am working on the bug's "misfit cheer giraffes". Thus named because I used the same pattern to make bug and bunny Christmas elephants inspired by Rudolph's Island of Misfit Toys. pics to come...they are adorable.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Today I turn 45. That is hard to comprehend. I don't feel 45, although I am not sure what 45 is suposed to feel like. I am going to try a new cake recipe today. Pink Lemonade Cake from the current issue of Southern Lady. I love that magazine. I am going to drag out my china and put lace on the table...it's my birthday after all. What have I learned in 45 years? The world is both bigger and smaller than we think. There is alot of this world we never see, yet we are all connected. I'd rather walk away from you than get mad. I like having that Christmas-y feeling year round. We only get one life, don't waste it! Eat what you like, spend time doing things you enjoy, be with the ones you love, do something daily that challenges you. I am responsible for making my dreams come true, my own happiness. I am not responsible for the actions of others. Coffee is the STUFF! Chocolate is a daily necessity! Cheesecake makes me smile! I share my birthday with a hometown friend, Sammy; my cousin's daughter, Christine; my future son-in-law, Jacob; a Sunday School student, Lawrence; the hot geek from Criminal Minds, Matthew Grey Gubler; and the best news anchor ever, Charlie Gibson. Happy Birthday everyone!
Monday, March 8, 2010
1. 27 is my favorite number
2. probably a 5
3. Talkative, Hot-tempered
4. lucky? not sure...but absolutely blessed!
5. the grands...grandmother and grandchildren
6. stormy, crazy, unpredictable
7. pretty good...always the skeptic
8. Have my own grocery bags, use them most of the time...recycle most weeks
9. Before the throne of God above
10. I pick them all up...have a huge collection of pennies
11. "Every time I look outside my window ....I see trees and am grateful"
12. Eight days a week...Beatles
2. probably a 5
3. Talkative, Hot-tempered
4. lucky? not sure...but absolutely blessed!
5. the grands...grandmother and grandchildren
6. stormy, crazy, unpredictable
7. pretty good...always the skeptic
8. Have my own grocery bags, use them most of the time...recycle most weeks
9. Before the throne of God above
10. I pick them all up...have a huge collection of pennies
11. "Every time I look outside my window ....I see trees and am grateful"
12. Eight days a week...Beatles
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Random Dozen
Here are your dozen for this first week of March. You know the drill; read, ruminate, write, for tomorrow we post and link. Did that sound just a tad Irish?
1. Do you prefer even or odd numbers? Any particular reason?
2. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being "not at all" and 10 being Carly Simon-worthy, how vain are you?
3. Among these Irish stereotypes, with which do you identify most closely? Talkative, Proud, Inquisitive, Love to party, Hot-tempered
4. How lucky do you consider yourself?
5. What is the subject of your favorite post that you've written?
6. Describe March weather where you live in three words.
7. How apt are you at detecting blarney when you hear it? (Smooth talk, flattery)
8. How "green" are you, environmentally speaking?
9. What is your favorite song this week?
10. You are walking along and see a coin on the ground. What denomination does it have to be before you will stop to pick it up?
11. Complete the sentence: "Every time I look outside my window ...."
12. What was the #1 song on the day you were born? See this site to find out.
1. Do you prefer even or odd numbers? Any particular reason?
2. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being "not at all" and 10 being Carly Simon-worthy, how vain are you?
3. Among these Irish stereotypes, with which do you identify most closely? Talkative, Proud, Inquisitive, Love to party, Hot-tempered
4. How lucky do you consider yourself?
5. What is the subject of your favorite post that you've written?
6. Describe March weather where you live in three words.
7. How apt are you at detecting blarney when you hear it? (Smooth talk, flattery)
8. How "green" are you, environmentally speaking?
9. What is your favorite song this week?
10. You are walking along and see a coin on the ground. What denomination does it have to be before you will stop to pick it up?
11. Complete the sentence: "Every time I look outside my window ...."
12. What was the #1 song on the day you were born? See this site to find out.
Southern Snowy Day
It's snowing...again, really big flakes, all morning. It's very pretty, but it's March 2! I should be looking at all the buttercups in bloom! Living in the south is so spoiling...until July of course. I love the early springs of most years, and the late fall weather. I have even had a rose bloom in December. Definately spoiled! On a different note, my little Bug won a cheer competition this past weekend, very exciting...and loud! But all good fun!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Happy Birthday Gram Gram
Gram Gram would have been 93 today. She was an amazing woman! I hope she is looking down from heaven and smiling at us all. The pictures above are of me and Gram Gram from Easter of 1966 and then of me and my lovely granddaughters, Bug (who named me GaGa) and Fairy, last month. Happy Birthday Gram Gram!
Rudolph Day
Today is Rudolph Day! The one day a month I get to enjoy Christmas again...without all the stress and expectations. There is a pumpkin pie in the oven, I just finished watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas," I am wearing my Rudolph headband, and my coffee is in my favorite Christmas mug. Today I will start my notes for this years Christmas letter. With the addition of a new granddaughter this month, this years letter should be an exciting one!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
My First Post
I have decided to jump on the blogger's bandwagon. I love all the blogs I have been reading since my middle daughter turned me onto them. I have been inspired and encouraged. I only hope I can do a little of that as well.
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