Walk with Him Wednesdays

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Rudolph Day!

It's the first Rudolph Day of the year.  I love these days set aside once a month to focus on Christmas. I found Rudolph Day on OrganizedChristmas.com when I was looking for a way to have the Christmas-y feeling all year.  It has worked!  I always start my day with "A Charlie Brown Christmas."  I appreciate Linus' quoting of Luke Chapter 2.  Then on to Christmas music, fulfilling the task from OrganizedChristmas , making some cookies, or a pumpkin pie and coffee in one of my Christmas mugs.  A Christmas craft is a must!  I made this bag to hold my Rudolph Day paraphernalia.

I found a coloring page I liked and cut it apart, and used them as patterns to cut the felt, fleece, and satin, I used.

I used felt for the for the face, eyes, and ears; fleece for the antlers; red satin for the nose, then decided it wasn't shiny enough, so I added the sequins.  I did use wonder under to attach all the parts, but then thought the face would stay on better with some hand sewing.  I liked the look and finished the rest of Rudolph. I did straight stiches for his nose and mouth, and french knots (which I am no good at) for his freckles. A bit of piping, three bells and Voila, a fun bag I get to play with once a month.  I keep ongoing small projects in it, and of course, my binder...just so I can claim I am organized. hehe

I hope you like him too!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Done feels good!

Like most people who sew, I have many started and yet to finish project lying around.  This week I have finished 2!  I finished a "should've been for Christmas" fleece robe for Bug.  I couldn't remember how I hemmed the one I made for Bunny, so it's a bit long.  Bunny had been the one to ask for a robe, but when you make for one, you must make for the other.  I also finished an apron for my niece.  My brothers are alot younger and waited alot longer to have kids than I did, so my niece and nephews are the same age as my grandchildren.  My mother's youngest grandchild is two days older than her youngest great-grandchild..haha.  The trick now is to get the apron in the mail.  It will be added to a box I have been meaning to send for a couple of years...oh well.  But I am DONE with two projects in one week!  WOOT!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy (?) New Year

I started the new year sick.  Literally got sick on the first!  Am better, thankfully, but am now stuck inside because of 8.9 inches of snow!  Snow in Alabama is not common, kids love it.  I think it's pretty for about a day and a half, then I am ready for more normal 50 degree temps.  I hope you think it's pretty too!