Walk with Him Wednesdays

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Napmat

I did actually finish the nap mat for my granddaughter.  She loved it, as did many of the parents at her daycare.  I may have started something...  I used this tutorial by Jenny Garland.  I followed the directions only as far as step 5, there are 10.  I wanted the mat to be all one piece, not have the cover removable.  I am not sure why this is, the mat washes well in cold water in a regular washing machine.  In place of the removable foam I used a package of crib sized quilt batting, doubled.  The batting fit perfectly!  I left a 10 inch opening for the pillow, which I hand sewed closed later.  I also "quilted" the mat itself, just straight lines across the width about 8 inches apart.  I got the material out of the remnant bin at a local fabric store (okay, it was the one I worked at)  :)  So the most expensive thing was the batting, which was half-price as well.  I did use buttons, as in step 10.

A closer look at the material...isn't it adorable?!?

Kitty approves!

Have a wonderful day!
Be still and know that I am God.  Psalm 46:10

Saturday, July 7, 2012


I am back to one job....what was I thinking?  Playing with two year-olds is both amazingly fun, and exhausting!  Working at the fabric store wasn't much fun anymore.  Part of the reason was I didn't have time to sew anything....and I really enjoy sewing.  So, one full time job it is.

My husband and I did make a rare summer trip to Merciers.  I saw a post on Pinterest for a blueberry cheesecake.  So off we went to their u-pick blueberry morning.  It was HOT! But we got two baskets of really sweet blueberries.  The "bushes" we taller than the hubs!  The cheese cake was amazing!  Recipe here  I could not find my springform pan, so I made mine in an 11x7 dish.

Today I am sewing, but in spurts.  I am working on a napmat for granddaughter #3.  She's a cutie!  Will get pictures up soon...maybe...LOL  Going to try to work on my blog a bit better than I have been.
Grandbaby #3 with her mom at her big sister's baptism.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Friday, April 6, 2012

Getting up and out!

After spending 8 LONG and boring weeks on the couch, I am moving again.  I went from being off from one part time job in a fabric store, to having a full time job in a daycare, and still working a few nights a week at the fabric store.  From nothing to chaotic in 6 seconds flat! (happy chaos!)  I spent my time in physical therapy, still doing the excercises.  Had a boot, thank God it's gone!, have a brace for a while...better, but will be glad when it is gone as well.  Trying really hard to walk normally again, the limp becomes majorly evident when I am tired, or trying to move to fast.  (ever chase a bunch of 18mo -2yr olds?!?!) 

Last weekend my wonderful hubby took us along the Ocoee River (above) to Mercier's in Blue Ridge, GA.  I love this place!  The apple and peach trees were in full bloom, but the drive was so beautiful along the Ocoee River that we dawdled long enough to miss the last tour into the orchard.  No worries!  Found a cute Christmas or maybe birthday present for one of my children, bought lots of fried pies to share with the kids, then went on into the small town of Blue Ridge, the part that kind of reminds me of Gatlinburg, in miniature.  The restaurants smelled amazing!  The shops were adorable and amazing!  And then there was the woman yelling at the escaped rooster to get back across the road...tooo funny!  Will post that pic if I figure out my new phone...LOL

There were several rafters and kayakers on the river, going to be me one day...SOON!  I promise myself a kayak now that I am working full time. One promise I will definately keep!

Be still and know that I am God Psalm 46:10

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Down, But Not Out!

Having a broken ankle seriously slows me down.  I am not used to all this sitting, and not jumping up and running off to another project.  Thankfully Craft Hope has Project 16.  I was able to participate all last year, and the latest project came at just the right time.  Beanies and Bags for kids with cancer.  Right up my alley! 

My oldest daughter was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) when she was 11.  Being older, she was in a higher risk catagory.  She sailed through her chemo, no radiation was necessary.  We found out through the course of her treatment that she has a pelvic kidney, no more gymnastics for her.  She went through chemo for three years, much longer than kids do now.  Stopping the chemo was very scary for me, but she has not relapsed in almost 15 years.  She has given me two beautiful granddaughters.  I do not view our time with cancer as a negative, I am glad it is over, but our faith grew tremendously and so many people touched our lives.

I made hats for my daughter during her hairless days, big floppy, colorful hats.  The call from Craft Hope is for Beanies and Bags.  I have been crocheting like a mad woman, well not mad perhaps, determined. 
These are the first three I completed.  I am up to six, need to find more masculine patterns, as the first five definately look feminine.  I LOVE the cupcake hat!

If you are a crafter, please check out Craft Hope's website!  The talented crafters participating are from all over the world.  What a wonderful community to belong to!

Be still and know that I am God ~ Psalm 46:10 (guess I am really learning to "be still")

Monday, January 23, 2012

New Year Resolution Putter-Offer

I did not make the skirt to match the cast, but it works.  So many plans for the New Year, put on hold by one very small patch of ice and too tall shoes.  Friday the 13th, usually a wonderful day for me, I slipped on ice in my shape-up shoes.  Ankle broken in three places, surgery, 1 plate, 10 pins, no putting weight on it for at least 6 weeks...UGH!  The funniest thing about the day must have been my "crab-walk" back to the house, climbing up the front porch stairs, and finally getting back into the house.  I would love to see a video...well, maybe not.  Friday the 13th ended very early that day.  My last memory is the doctor saying he would have to reset the ankle, which sent me into a panic....thank God for medicines that make you forget.  I remember nothing from about 10am that day until the 15th....mercy is sweet!  Why yellow?, you may ask....I have decided to "make lemonade".


Be still and know that I am God ~ Psalm 46:10

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Conquering a Fear

This was under my Christmas tree until a few days ago.  Two days ago, I added thread.  Today, I decided to be brave and thread it, turn it on, and maybe, just maybe serge something.  Threading it was a bit frustrating, a colored line to follow and step-by-step pics in the book to the right.  I did it though!  YAY!  Turning it on was harder than I thought...had a long talk with this machine, about how we really needed to become friends, I'd play nice if it would...Then on to actually putting material under the presser foot and pushing the foot pedal.  Man, this thing runs so smooth.  I did make a shower curtain, all straight seams. Picture to come soon.  I see a long, fun relationship ahead!

The make a wonderful pair, don't they!

Have a wonderful day ~ Melissa
Be still and know that I am God ~ Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Toy

A cake pop and donut hole maker! Oh YUM!  My youngest daughter bought a mini-cupcake maker, I thought it was so cool!  I like the idea of this a bit more.  My middle daughter thinks these are fake cake pops, as she has gone through all the work to make "real" ones.   I am okay with this!  So my first go, I chose "brownie cake pops".
Basically, a box brownie mix with a cup of sour cream added.  Sour cream brownies?!?...seriously...YUM!

Not the best picture...sorry...it was night-time.  I did wash my maker, but the first ones still kind of tasted funny.  They didn't stick though, and I forgot the oil.  Each batch took only 5 minutes!  Sweet satisfaction in a hurry!

Made about 45 brownie bites.  They were really good.  A success!  I like the idea of the brownie bites, not so much being tied to the kitchen...but I was in there cleaning anyway.  The cuteness factor, though, cannot be beat!  I will be using my cake pop/donut hole maker alot.  I think I will stick to donut holes though.

Have a wonderful day ~ Melissa
Be still and know that I am God ~ Psalm 46:10

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy 2012!  I hope we all have a wonderful year ahead of us.  I will be trying to get this blog thing down.  I have loads of ideas, but have always had problems with follow through.  I have enjoyed so many of the blogs out there in bloggy-land!  My favorites are A Holy Experience, Ann Voskamp's site.  I found this site when I googled "how to get closer to God".  A daily must read.  The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond's site.  I found her by looking at another blogger's favorites.  I have cooked her "Perfect Pot Roast" (it is!), creamy mashed potatoes, and most recently her "Spicy Whiskey BBQ Sliders"...omg they were good!  Craft Hope, in 2010 when my daughter introduced me to blogs, I always managed to catch this site to late to participate.  This past year, I paid better attention.  I was able to make and send for each project.  Such a satisifying craft year!  These are just three, I read way to many each day....but I love what everyone has to share!  I am currently going through one of the text books I used with my children, "Writing for 100 days".  I hope to become a better writer, and in turn a better blogger.  I want to share some of my thoughts, craft ideas, and recipes I enjoy.  And maybe a bit of the silliness life has to offer.
These birds, known as Turkey Buzzards, are nesting in the pines across the street this year.  There are hundreds of them.  I saw one in a bird show a couple of years ago.  Very entertaining birds!  When we first moved into this house we left a huge ball in the yard, several of the birds played with it until it finally popped...so funny!

Tomorrow, I will let you know how I like using this Christmas gift.

Be still and know that I am God.  Psalm 46:10